What is the pink duck month and how does this work?

Each month, we’ll have a different game icon sticker. For August 2024, our membership launch, we have a pink duck sticker! When you become a part of Plucky’s™ Pirate Crew, you get a membership card. Each month you’ll get a sticker for the month you’ve paid. If you want to skip a month, no problem, you just won’t get that month’s sticker.

Join anytime during the month, it’s the same fee. Membership is not a subscription. We want it to be easier for you to come and go as you like, without worrying about a monthly subscription.


  • Play any game

  • Play as many game sessions in the month, no need to pay the game fee

    • BONUS - members may extend the 2-hour house rule time limit for free when no one is waiting for a table

  • Join unlimited hosted events for free

  • 2 guest passes - each for $5 off normal game fees


    join, in person, at Plucky’s™

    price is subject to change